Kraig Adams - Copying
Kraig Adams is a YouTuber I like. Here’s a quote from an interview with him that I appreciated:
Kraig went on to say that so many people are copying Casey Neistat, but if that if they just made two or three videos – one a week or one a month, even, that were entirely their own and unique – something no one has ever seen before – that’s better but it takes risk. “It’s really scary to make something that you don’t see out there as being successful. But if Casey has a couple million on a vlog where he skates on a skateboard, it makes sense to kids to try and copy that and then be successful.
We’re all living in some kind of content/attention/energy vortex known as the internet. You could give all of yourself, 24/7, for the rest of your life, and it still wouldn’t be enough for the internet. Another perspective on what he’s saying here in this quote is that what matters is what comes from you. It’s better to decide what you want to actually contribute to this world and take the time necessary to make that, rather than just trying to set a schedule you think you’re supposed to have based on other people.